Banking and financial system in Nigeria have recorded a paradigm shift with the introduction of Smart Deposit Scheme (SDS) by Anyscope limited, an electronic money deposit and transfer provider.
According to Mr Adrian Egonu, Chief Executive Officer, CEO of the company, ” SDS is a seamless electronic money transfer platform that saves you the stress and risk of long queues at the banks especially in the face of the raging COVID-19 pandemic”
Other objectives and benefits of SDS include: Instant credit into the desired bank account, achieve savings of small amounts of money, do it yourself lodgements, convenience and ease of transaction.
Others are, anytime, anyday, anywhere transaction, improve your productivity, do your work without having to go to the bank and secured transactions.
Egonu said SDS offers huge benefits to low and income earners who make deposits or transfers at random without putting up appearance at the banks.
Egonu: “Smart Deposit Scheme (SDS) is an electronic product designed to assist depositors lodge in or transfer cash directly into their or 3rd party bank accounts without physically visiting their banks.
“This is achieved by using our dedicated and secure PIN vouchers available through recharge cards sellers”
SDS is flexible and easy to use. First, locate an SDS agent, pay for the denomination(s) you want e.g ₦1,000, ₦2,000, ₦3,000, ₦5,000, ₦10,000, ₦20,000 etc.
Next add the commissions: ₦100 for ₦1,000 to ₦5,000 or ₦150 for ₦10,000 ₦20,000 etc.
Then dial 347444PINbank account*bank code# and press the SEND button.
Anyscope says it is revolutionizing the money deposit and transfer system in Nigeria with the introductionof SDS.
By Ingram Osigwe