Minister of Youth and sports Development Mr. Sunday Dare has appealed to all Nigerians to pray for more wisdom and grace for President Muhammadu Buhari to continue to stir the ship of the country in the right direction.
Speaking in Ibadan, Oyo State on Friday when he was confered with the Distinguished Service Award by The New Frontiers Television owned by the Nigerian Baptist Convention, Mr. Dare said. “The Federal Government is concerned about the security challenges in our country and is taking very pro active steps to restore peace.
We must continue to pray for President Buhari and all those in authority for wisdom and courage to Continue to lead this nation.
We pray that wherever there is strife, let there be peace.
I visited Shasha, the scene of the recent clashes in Oyo State where I met with community leaders to assure them that help is on the way from the FG for those who suffered losses. Let us preach peace because Christ is love and admonishes us to even love our enemies.”
On what the Federal Government had done to adress unemployment among youth, he reiterated ” For our Youth, let them avail themselves the various youth – based opportunities especially the 75 Billion Naira Nigerian Youth Investment fund. This Government has done more than any other administration in promoting Youth entrepreneurship and skills acquisition. There are more than 25 Youth -based programs in various Ministries and Agencies. These interventions would adequately reduce unemployment and make our youth employers of labour instead of job seekers.
Let us continue to pray for our nation and leaders. We can only thrive when there is peace and unity in our country. Let us give peace a chance,” he concluded.