Gopal Vittalas
TheBoardofDirectorsoftheGSMAelectedGopalVittal -ViceChairman&MD, Bharti Airtel, as its new Chairman, until the end of 2026. Gopal is currently the acting Chair of the GSMA board.
InhisroleastheChairman,GopalwilloverseethestrategicdirectionoftheGSMA.Themembersofthisprestigious bodyinclude1000telecomcompaniesfromaroundtheworld,handsetanddevicecompanies,softwarecompanies, equipmentproviders,internetcompanies,aswellas organizationsinadjacentindustrysectors.Gopalbecomesthe second Indian after Sunil Bharti Mittal to be elected as the Chairman of the GSMA Board.
The appointment also highlights the significant influence Airtel has in the global telecom industry, with both Sunil Bharti Mittal and Gopal Vittal having held key positions on the GSMA Board for years.
Taking on the role, Gopal Vittal said “I am honoured to be elected as the Chair of the GSMA Board. The mobile industrycontributed$6.5trilliontotheglobaleconomyin2024andisthespineonwhichmuchoftheinnovationin the world is built. The GSMA, as a global organisation unifying the mobile ecosystem, is fundamental to discover, developanddeliverinnovationthatimpactspositivechangeforall.IlookforwardtoworkingcloselywiththeGSMA team and the rest of the Board to continue this important work ”
Mats Granryd, Director General of the GSMA, commented: “I have worked with Mr. Vittal for many years and am delightedthathehasbeenappointedChairoftheGSMABoard.Hisknowledgeandexperiencemakeshimverywell positioned to lead the Board and the industry through the current challenges and opportunities, including how to leverage AI and complete 5G for new business models and revenues streams.”
GopalhasservedontheGSMABoardindifferentcapacitiesfor overadecadeincludingasDeputyChairforthelast three years. Most recently, he was also appointed the Acting Chair of the GSMA board in early 2025 and has now been formally elected as the Chair of the GSMA board. Gopal will serve as the Chair of the Board until the end of 2026. The GSMA Board will announce the election of a new Deputy Chair in due course.
Gopal Vittal is currently the Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Bharti Airtel and is also a Board member of BhartiAirtelLimited,AirtelAfricaPLCandIndusTowers.Priortothis,hewastheManagingDirector&CEOforAirtel for 12 years.
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