Zanzimana Ellie is a 21 years old Rwandan boy who behaves like animal and has a face similar to chimpanzee. He was born in 1999 and resides around rural areas of Rwanda, ever since he was born he finds it difficult to communicate with people in his neighborhood because of his speaking disorder. Her mother said in an interview that she gave birth to six children and five died he was the only survivor. She narrated how she and her husband prayed very hard to God for a child.
Born in 1999, the 21 year old boy whose facial appearance closely takes after an African chimpanzee has been a subject of mock, bullying and he’s always being made fun of by a majority of his village mates.
But his life on earth has all been a miracle as explained by his mother.
His mother said that her child whose name is Zanzimana Ellie was born after she and her husband kneeled down before God and asked for a lasting gift.
That in her life, she had given birth to five children who perished one after the another upon being born and it got her and her husband really worried.
For their sixth child who turned out to be Ellie, the mother and father asked God for even an “abnormal child as long as he/she wouldn’t die.”
Nine months after her pregnancy, the mother gave birth to Ellie who appeared to be mysterious from the first day.
He had been born a really tiny baby with a below average small head and doctors assured her that she’ll end up having trouble raising the kid.
For the mother and her husband, they didn’t mind encountering trouble as long as the child would live to adulthood.
The doctors seemed to have predicted it right because 21 years after his birth, Ellie doesn’t speak because he can’t, his head can’t support a formal education and he likes life in the jungle and running everywhere all the time.
His mother even revealed that she feeds him grass like an animal and will always have to chase after him to bring him home.